The aim of this work package is devoted to the development of a consistent method to assess the absorbed mass (or volume) of hydrogen in a reversible hydride tank. Hydrogen storage by reversible hydride metal is more and more used in various storage systems. However this storage method does not provide one-to-one relationship between absorbed mass of hydrogen, pressure and temperature. The knowledge of observed physical variables such as pressure and temperature is not sufficient to assess the residual hydrogen contained in the tank.
The ISO 16111 standard “Transportable gas storage devices – Hydrogen absorbed in reversible metal hydride” is the standard devoted to this type of tank. ISO/TC 197 is just starting a revision process of this standard. Particularly it is stated that a hydrogen cycling test is performed during qualification test. The tank shall be cycled when charged with hydrogen, from not more than 5 % of rated capacity to not less than 95 % of rated capacity. ISO 16111 does not recommend the use of any specific measurement technique or method with respect to the cycle test. The results of WP3 will give proposals for accurate measurement methods of the hydrogen residues associated to uncertainties.
- Task 3.1: Identification of methods for the measurement of hydrogen mass (and volume) absorbed in the storage tanks of metal hydrides requested in the ISO 16111 standard
- Task 3.2: Validation of a traceable method for the measurement of hydrogen mass absorbed in metal hydride storage tanks AB and AB2
WP leader: Dr. Benoît Delobelle, MAHYTEC, contact: