The Consortium
The consortium brings together NMIs with varying degree of experience with high temperature radiometric fixed points. LNE, CNAM and TUBITAK represent the experienced NMIs, which will support six other NMIs, and one external, scientific partner (DTU) in their efforts to implement a thermodynamic scale consistent with the new MeP-K. The consortium is geographically clustered in two regions, Scandinavia and central Europe.
JV is the Norwegian NMI in thermometry and coordinates the project. JV currently coordinates two EMPIR projects, 18SIB10 chipSꞏCALe and 19RPT01 QuantumPower. JV operates a well equipped fixed point laboratory, currently up to the Cu point. JV also operates a radiation thermometry laboratory and a radiometry laboratory with the ability to characterise spectral response at a high level. JV will participate in all technical work packages.
CMI is the NMI of the Czech Republic. CMI provides services in all basic fields of metrology, including fundamental metrology, development of national standards, research and development in metrology, transfer of units, calibration of standards and measuring instruments. The institute provides certification of reference materials, state metrology assessment of measuring instruments and other services. CMI will lead WP1, and be involved in all other WPs.
CNAM has world leading capability and both staff expertise and equipment in radiation thermometry. CNAM has participated in several EMRP and EMPIR JRPs related to high temperatures, such as HiTeMS, InK and Real-K. CNAM will lead the workpackages 4 and 5, and contribute in the all other technical work packages. CNAM participated in the CCT-K10 and holds a pivotal role in the project by providing the linkage in the comparison performed in WP4.
DFM is the Danish DI for high temperature reference standards. DFM is the Danish national metrology institute and has numerous metrological activities within thermal transport, broadband emissivity measurements and thermometry, and have contributed to successful relevant JPRs such as EMIRIM. These competences will be used to contribute to WP3. DFM is also a member of “Energy Cluster Denmark” which has 400 member companies and distributes more than 100 million euros.
LNE is the French NMI. It is closely linked with CNAM (see above) and will support the emerging institutes in all work packages.
RISE is the NMI in Sweden responsible for the traceability to SI for most quantities. The temperature group within RISE realises the international temperature scale ITS-90 between -189 and 2600 °C. The research is focussed on improvement of calibration facilities and practical calibration methods. RISE currently operates a Cu fixed point for radiation thermometry which is used to implement an ITS-90 scale. In this project they will participate in all technical work packages.
SMU is The Slovak Metrological Institute. SMU has experienced staff of metrological experts in thermometry. SMU currently operates non-contact fixed points at In, Sn, Zn, Al and Ag. Furthermore, the laboratory has multiple furnaces and black body sources designed for non-contact thermometry that are capable to operate at temperatures up to 1600 °C. SMU will lead WP2 and participate in all other work packages.
TUBITAK is the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye. TUBITAK-UME is the Turkish NMI and has leading capability for performing low uncertainty temperature measurements up to 3000 K. TUBITAK-UME has been successfully involved in previous EMRP and EMPIR projects, e.g. InK1, InK2, EMPRESS2 and Real-K. In MultiFixRad TUBITAK-UME will lead WP3, and contribute in the other work packages as an experienced NMI.
UL Laboratory of Metrology and Quality (LMK) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FE), University of Ljubljana is the DI for thermometry and humidity in Slovenia. UL currently realises the ITS-90 from the triple point of Ar to the melting point of Pd, and brings experience in high temperature measurements. Within the project UL will construct their first interpolating radiometric scale.
DTU is the Danish Technical University. In this project they are external beneficiary, but will collaborate closely with DFM and Danish industrial stakeholders to demonstrate an in-situ dissemination of the improved temperature scale that DFM builds in the course of the project. They will primarily participate in WP2 and WP5.
PARTICIPATING EURAMET NMIs AND DIs and their associated partners