WP1: Establishing the required basic competence on the realisation of the temperature scale and the MeP-K at the less experienced institutes
The aims of this work package are
(i) to provide knowledge transfer on realisation of the kelvin at high temperatures (i.e. above around 1000 °C where ITS-90 changes from contact thermometry to the radiometric scale),
(ii) to map the current capabilities of CMI, DFM, JV, SMU, RISE, UL and DTU, including equipment inventories, and to explore potential synergies and opportunities for smart specialisation, and
(iii) to document and follow up on the progress of development of capabilities during the lifetime of the project. The current status of the less experienced laboratories varies from no scale realisation above 1100 °C to an ITS-90 based realisation at higher temperatures.
The training sessions in Task 1.1 will ensure that all less experienced laboratories are at broadly the same level before embarking on the cell construction and scale implementations in WP2 and WP3.
Task 1.2 will map the current capabilities of the less developed NMIs/DIs related to the realisation of the temperature scale and MeP-K and future needs.
Task 1.3 will include work to ensure enhanced regional collaboration and smart specialisation and will assess the progress on developing capability.
WP leader: Lenka Kňazovická (CMI, Czech Republic)