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The 9-month meeting of the ELENA consortium gathered all partners from Germany (PTB, ISC), Austria (JKU), France (LNE, Ulille, INSA-Lyon), Switzerland (METAS), Turkey (TUBITAK), Danemark (DFM), and Czech Republic (CMI). The University of Glasgow joined the meeting remotely.
The meeting was held over two days at the premises of the METAS in Bern, Switzerland.
The first day consisted of consecutive discussions of each work package presented by the different work package leaders. Open conversations between the partners succeeded in each presentation to pinpoint necessary improvements and draw guidelines for further advances.
The first half of the second day was opened with a plenary presentation by the project coordinator (Dr. François Piquemal, LNE, France), recalling the main administrative requirements the project should comply with. Dr. Piquemal discussed the constitution of the project’s stakeholder committee and the projected plans to widen its span and increase the dissemination of the project’s outcomes.
During the second half of the day, the first meeting of the stakeholders’ committee was held online. The consortium shared the primary outcomes during the first nine months period of the project and gathered feedback from the committee members.