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Dr. Johannes Hoffman from METAS, Switzerland, participated in the 25th-anniversary event of Nanosurf with an in-person symposium in Basel, and open-door-day at our headquarters in Liestal.
The event gathered world-leading scientists in the field of atomic force microscopy, including one of the co-inventors of this amazing technology, Christoph Gerber. The AFM experts present during this two-day event discussed the origins of the AFM, the current status of the technology, and its future directions in the next few decades.
Nanosurf is a valued member of the ELENA’s project stakeholder committee, working closely with the researchers from METAS on developing the SMM measurements in tight implications with the ELENA consortium. This event was a valuable opportunity to interact with renowned European AFM experts and exchange on the plans, works, and outcomes of the ELENA project.
Christoph Gerber is a titular professor at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Christoph Gerber is the co-inventor of the atomic force microscope. Born in Basel, Switzerland, on 15 May 1942, he was among the 250 most cited living physicists in the world in the year 2000.
Christoph Gerber is a titular professor at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland. He was a founding member and director for scientific communication of the NCCR (National Center of Competence in Research Nanoscale Science). He was formerly a research staff member in nanoscale science at the IBM Research Laboratory in Rueschlikon, Switzerland, and has served as a project leader in various programs of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
For the past 40 years, his research has been focused on nanoscale science. He is a pioneer in scanning probe microscopy who made major contributions to the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope, the atomic force microscope (AFM), and AFM techniques in high vacuum and at low temperatures.