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Avalaible on request, contact person: francois.piquemal@lne.fr
[1] LNE and ISC participation to IEC TC 113 “Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems”, ahG 13 “Wafer-scale system integration”, Nov. 2021
[2] ISC participation to IEC TC 113 “Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems”, ahG 13 “Wafer-scale system integration”, Apr. 2022
[3] LNE participation to AFNOR X457 “nanotechnology”, Oct 2022
[4] BAM participation to ISO – TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings, June 2022
[5] BAM participation to DIN – NA 062-01-61 AA: Measuring and test methods for coatings and coating systems, Oct 2022
[6] ISC participation to IEC TC 113 “Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems”, ahG 13 “Wafer-scale system integration”, Dec. 2022
[1] “Extend IQ Six-Port Demodulator RF Bandwidth by 250% Using Fourier Based Modelling”, IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), 2021, France
[2] “Measuring S-Parameters using millimetre-wave power measurements”, European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2021, Session WS09-EuMC–Workshop, 2021, United Kingdom
[3] “ELENA: un projet européen pour la métrologie électrique à l’échelle nanométrique dans l’industrie”, Forum des microscopies à sonde locale 2022, March 2022, France
[4] « Traceable Nanoscale Measurements of High Dielectric Constant by Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, Forum des microscopies à sonde locale 2022, March 2022, France
[5] “ELENA – a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry: using ellipsometry for quality control of nanoelectronics”, 9th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry ICSE, 9th May 2022, China – online
[6] “Traceable Nanoscale Measurements of High Dielectric Constant by Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, AT-AP-RASC 2022, May 2022, Spain
[7] “Nanoscale measurements of High Dielectric Constants for piezoelectric materials by Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, E-MRS Spring 2022, May-June 2022, on-line
[8] “Elena – a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, 3rd plenary session GDR NAME, October 2022, France
[9] “ELENA: a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, CPEM2022, Dec 2022, New Zealand
[10] “Comparison of Matching Networks for Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, CPEM2022, Dec 2022, New Zealand
[11] “Accessing the Loss Tangent of Dielectrics at the Nanoscale: A Novel Approach in Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, CPEM2022, Dec 2022, New Zealand
[12] “Nanoscale capacitance calibration using different AFM probes in scanning microwave microscopy”, CPEM2022, Dec 2022, New Zealand
[13] “Nondestructive imaging of mobile carriers and trapped charges in delta doped p–n junctions buried in silicon”, Gadest 2022, Sep 2022, Austria
[14] “Graphene Standardization – Status update and future”, Graphene 2022-Aachen, July 2022, Germany
[15] “ELENA: a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry” National GDR NAME meeting, October 2022, France
[16] “Microwave Sensing in the Modern Society”, IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2022, United States
[17] “Nanorobotics and automated platform for microwave characterization of liquids using coaxial evanescent probe”, Nano, Meso, Micro: Science and Innovation for Radio and Photonic, URSI, 2022, France
[18] “Multiscale Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation”, IEEE I2MTC – International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology, 2022, Canada
[19] “Calibration Six-Port Basée sur une Analyse de Fourier: Extension Record de 250% des Performances Fréquentielles”, Journées Nationales Microondes, 2022, France
[20] « Plate-forme robotisée et automatisée pour la caractérisation microonde par sonde coaxiale évanescente en milieu liquide », Journées Nationales Microondes, 2022, France
[21] « Instrumentation avancée pour la modélisation et la caractérisation multi-échelles » Colloque LN2 2022, France
[22] “Microwave Microscopy for Advanced and Efficient Materials Analysis”, IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO2022), Special Session WE3, “Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Multiscale Modelling and Characterization for Advanced and Efficient Materials”, 2022, France
[23] “Quantitative Modeling of Scattering-type Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscope (s-SNOM) with the Finite Element Method Utilizing the Software JCMSuite”, DPG Spring Meeting, 2023, Germany
[24] “ELENA: a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, International Congress of Metrology (CIM 2023), March 2023, France
[25] “ELENA: a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, C’nano 2023, March 2023, France
[26] « Evaluation de la robustesse de la méthode d’étalonnage Short Open Load appliquée à la mesure de capacité par Scanning Microwave Microscopy », Forum Microscopie sondes locales, Obernai, April 2023, France
[27] “ELENA: a European project for electrical nanoscale metrology in industry”, Forum Microscopie sondes locales, Obernai, April 2023, France
[28] « Cartographie quantitative de la constante diélectrique des nanostructures enterrées en microscopie de force à sonde Kelvin », Forum Microscopie sondes locales, Obernai, April 2023, France
[1] K. Kaja, A. Assoum, P. De Wolf, F. Piquemal, A. Nehmee, A. Naja, T. Beyrouthy, and M. Jouiad, “Quantitative Subsurface Measurements of Nano Dielectric Constants using Peak Force Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Data Clustering Methods: Towards AFM Dielectric Nano Tomography”, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 2300503, DOI : 10.1002/admi.202300503
[2] F. Piquemal, K. Kaja, P. Chrétien, J. Morán‐Meza, F. Houzé, C. Ulysse, and A. Harouri, “Multi-Resistance Wide-Range Calibration Sample for Conductive probe Atomic Force Microscopy Measurements”, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2023, 14, 1141-1148 DOI : 10.3762/bjnano.14.94
[3] D. Richert, D. Deleruyelle, J. A. Morán-Meza, K. Kaja, B. Gautier, and F. Piquemal, ”A Fully-Numerical Environment for Evaluating the Robustness of the Short Open Load Calibration for Capacitance Measurements in Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO’2023), DOI: 10.1109/NEMO56117.2023.10202380
[4] Johannes Hoffmann, Sophie de Préville, Bruno Eckmann, Hung-Ju Lin, Benedikt Herzog, Kamel Haddadi, Didier Théron, Georg Gramse, Damien Richert, José Moran-Meza and François Piquemal “Comparison of Impedance Matching Networks for Scanning Microwave Microscopy”, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2024, DOI : 10.1109/TIM.2024.3378310
[5] Bruno Eckmann, Benedikt Herzog, Hung-Ju Lin, Sophie de Préville, Johannes Hoffmann and Markus Zeier, “Coaxial tips for a scanning microwave microscope and its calibration with dielectric references”, Meas. Sci. Technol. 35 (2024) 085010 (9pp), DOI : 10.1088/1361-6501/ad480d
[6] Dario Siebenkotten, Bernd Kästner, Manuel Marschall, Arne Hoehl, and Shuhei Amakawa, “Calibration method for complex permittivity measurements using s-SNOM combining multiple probe tapping harmonics”, Optics Express, Vol. 32, Issue 13, pp. 23882-23893 (2024), DOI:10.1364/OE.523785
[7] Damien Richert, Damien Deleruyelle, José A Morán-Meza, Khaled Kaja, Almazbek Imanaliev, Johannes Hoffmann, Brice Gautier and François Piquemal, “A numerical analysis of the short open load calibration robustness for capacitance measurements in scanning microwave microscopy”, 2025 Meas. Sci. Technol. 36 015013, DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/ad7e3b
[8] François Piquemal, Pascal Chrétien, José Morán-Meza, Frédéric Houzé, Alexandra Delvallée, Christian Ulysse, Abdelmounaim Harouri, “Calibrating Resistance and Current Measurements in Conductive Probe Atomic Force Microscopy: New Reference Samples and Calibration Methods”, 2024 Phys. Status Solidi A 2400711 DOI:10.1002/pssa.202400711